Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dec 20, 2011. From a friend's room.

You're going to have to click this one to see it better, though it wasn't exactly what I was hoping. I had planned on taking a panoramic shot from my dorm's building, later realizing that there's a fence that doesn't allow you to get anywhere near the edge. Thus I had to improvise: I took this photo from a friend's room, out the window. Dirt and reflections hurt the quality a bit, but I didn't bother too much because it would take forever to fix. This was composed of 9 photos. Seoul can be such a maze of buildings sometimes, twisting and turning and cornering in odd places. It took me a while to get used to my neighborhood!


  1. Positive and negative comments, right? I don't like it. The POV is ugly. The lack of light comming out of the right side windows make the pic kind of unbalanced but the colors work. The fisheye effect detract from this panoramic.

    But that is just me.

  2. Fair enough. Today was kind of busy though, but I didn't want to place a random photo of just anything. This wasn't so much a planned shot as a remedial one, (unlike yesterday's which was planned). And the fish eye is not really an "effect" but more like a consequence of having to shoot at a short focal length due to lack of space. Well maybe I'll retry this image someday.
    I just went with what was but next time I'll give it more thought.

  3. Si tuviera que describir esta fotografía con ayuda de una figura literaria, diría que es un oxímoron. Me gusta la combinación de luz y sombra.
    Un abrazote☺
